Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Putting all the pieces together: God & Goals

Set your vision, goals and dreams to the 'impossible'! If it seems impossible, then you're probably on the right track and you need to pursue those goals & dreams. You have to learn how to speak to & hear from God. God lives through our bodies. Whatever we say or do, affects god. If you're abusing your body or doing bad things, you're making God sad! So many people give up during rough times, so many people have quit right before they were about reap a harvest. Always keep your vision in front of you (this can be in a notebook with pictures, dates & words).

Here are a few famous people who found success despite many failures: 

Colonel Sanders : The founder of KFC. He started his dream at 65 years old! He got a social security check for only $105 and was mad. Instead of complaining he did something about it.
He thought restaurant owners would love his fried chicken recipe, use it, sales would increase, and he’d get a percentage of it. He drove around the country knocking on doors, sleeping in his car, wearing his white suit.
Do you know how many times people said no till he got one yes? 1009 times!
Walt Disney: The man who gave us Disney World and Mickey Mouse. His first animation company went banktrupt. He was fired by a news editor cause he lacked imagination. Legend has it he wasturned down 302 times before he got financing for creating Disney World.
Albert Eistein: He didn’t speak till he was four and didn’t read till seven. His parents and teachers thought he was mentally handicapped. He only turned out to win a Nobel prize and be the face of modern physics.
Richard Branson: He’s a billionaire mogul of Virgin but has had his share of failures. Remember Virgin Cola or Virgin credit cards? Probably not. He’s lost hundreds of millions of dollars but has not let failure stop him. When you’re rich like him you can rent his private island for $53,000 a night.
Mark Cuban: The billionaire owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks got rich when he sold his company to Yahoo for $5.9 billion in stock. He admitted he was terrible at his early jobs. His parents wanted him to have a normal job. So he tried carpentry but hated it. He was a short order cook but a terrible one. He waited tables but couldn’t open a bottle of wine. He says of his failures,
“I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed,” Cuban says. “You only have to be right once. I tried to sell powdered milk. I was an idiot lots of times, and I learned from them all.”
Vincent Van Gogh: He only sold one painting in his lifetime!  Just one to a friend. Despite that he kept painting and finished over 800 pieces. Now everyone wants to buy them and his most expensive painting is valued at $142.7 million.
Theodor Seuss Giesel: Dr. Seuss gave us Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham. Books every child reads. At first many didn’t think he would succeed. 27 different publishers rejected Dr. Seuss’s first book To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
John Grisham: The American author first was a lawyer who loved to write. His first book A Time to Kill took three years to write. The book was rejected 28 times until he got one yes for a 5,000 copy print. He’s sold over 250 million total copies of his books.
Steven Spielberg: He applied and was denied two times to the prestigious University of Southern California film school. Instead he went to Cal State University in Long Beach.
He went on to direct some of the biggest movie blockbusters in history. Now he’s worth $2.7 billion and in 1994 got an honorary degree from the film school that rejected him twice.
Stephen King: His first book Carrie was rejected 30 times and he threw it in the trash. His wife retrieved it out of the trash and encouraged him to resubmit it. The rest is history. He has sold more than 350 million copies of his books. (He’s also made many adults fear clowns too.)
Stephenie Meyer: The author of the crazy Twilight series said the inspiration from the book came from a dream. She finished it in three months but never intended to publish it until a friend suggested she should.
She wrote 15 letters to literary agencies. Five didn’t reply. Nine rejected. One gave her a chance. Then eight publishers auctioned for the right to publish Twilight. She got a three book deal worth $750,000. In 2010, Forbes reported she earned $40 million.
Tim Ferris: The man behind the 4 Hour Workweek, who changed how many people view work and life, was rejected by 26 publishers before one gave him a chance. It’s been on the bestseller’s list for years, sold all over the world, and last year published The 4 Hour Body that went to #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list.
The Beatles: They were rejected by many record labels. In a famous rejection, the label said,“”guitar groups are on the way out” and “the Beatles have no future in show business”.
After that the Beatles signed with EMI, brought Beatlemania to the United States, and became the greatest band in history.
Michael Jordan: He’s famous for being cut from his high school basketball team. He turned out to be the greatest basketball player but never let failure deter him. I love this quote…
“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Thomas Edison: No list of success from failures would be complete without the man who gave us many inventions including the light bulb. He knew failure wouldn’t stop him.
If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.

There is no success without failure

Don't settle for less than what God has for your life 

Now, Let's talk about God's voice vs Satan's voice. I heard this story by Terri Savelle Foy

'There was this mountain climbing resort in the Swiss Alps. They said they cater to businesses and they really try to encourage team spirit and comrade. A lot of times they will meet at the base of the mountain, have a pep talk, they can hardly wait to climb to the top and take their victory photo to celebrate their success. They get their hiking gear on, they start climbing the mountain, and about half way up the mountain there is this amazing Alpine Restaurant. They take off their hiking gear, they sit by the fire, drink a hot cup of coffee and enjoy their lunch. After their full and comfortable, less than half continue to climb to the top. It's not that the climb is too difficult or that its impossible, but that they have tasted a bit of success and they are satisfied.They climbed halfway up the mountain and they think this is good enough. You know, God wants you to go all the way to the top. If he's giving you a dream and a desire that's burning on the inside of you, don't give up - refuse to change your mind.'

What does God's voice sound like and what does Satan's voice sound like? 

  • Stills you
  • Leads you
  • Reassures you
  • Enlightens you
  • Encourages you
  • Comforts you
  • Calms you
  • Convicts you 
  • Rushes you
  • Pushes you
  • Frightens you
  • Confuses you
  • Discourages you
  • Worries you
  • Obsesses you
  • Condemns you
I know, without a doubt, we have all experienced Satan's voice. If we are not strong and defeat him, he will take over our thinking and God can no longer work through us. If you feel scared, do it. If you feel nervous, go do it. If you fear something, keep doing it until that fear goes away. God wants us to be calm, peaceful, still, risk taking (morally), disturbed (meaning he doesn't want us to get complacent). Tackle your fears!

This leads me into the topic of the 30-60-100 fold. I believe most of us understand that we reap what we sow. Help others & others will help you. Donate money & God will bless you with that amount multiplied. Believe you are rich and have great health and you will attract these! In reverse, talk bad about others & many will talk bad about you. Believe that you're poor and have bad health, you WILL attract opportunities where you become broke and have bad health. 

Please take a moment to read part of this article:

'We could look at the example of the twelve spies’ when Israel came out of Egypt. Ten measured it to be impossible. Two measured it differently. They said “We are well able to take the land”. The ten said “I know there are grapes, but did you see the size of the giants?” Joshua and Caleb said, “I know that there are giants, but did you see the size of the grapes?” Both sides addressed the same challenge, but they both measured it differently. The way you measure it is the way that you are going to get it.

When people say “I can’t do that”, that becomes their measurement. We draw boundaries around ourselves and our potential. 30 fold mentalities never excel to 100 fold opportunities. Being negative is a measurement. Born on the wrong side of the tracks is a measurement. I wasn’t born with the right ethnic or social back ground. All of these are measurements. And they become the water mark for your life.

That is why Jesus said, “Take heed what you hear, because the way you hear is the way it is going to be measured back to you”. This is the danger of being hooked up with the wrong people or church. Many of them are famous for believing nothing. They don’t believing in healing; they don’t believe in receiving from God on hardly any level. It is important what you hear. The way you hear it is the way that you will measure it, and that is the level that your faith will respond to.

It is important that you realize this. When we measure something, God operates within the boundaries of that measurement. If you have a grass hopper mentality, that will become the boundary that affects everything that you do. Avoid people who can never see a way out. Stay away from complainers. They will destroy your dream and bring you into captivity.

One man says the tank is half full, the other one says it is half empty. They both said the same thing but they measured it differently. Maybe this is your problem. Maybe you only see the tank as half empty. Maybe you have been disappointed so many times that you are afraid to stretch your faith out there. I want to encourage you to begin to dream again, to pursue your dreams. Let the weak say “I am strong”. Let the poor say “I am rich”. What you measure allows or disallows opportunities in your life. You may have to apply 2 Corinthians 10:5 to your life. It says, “Casting down imaginations and every high things that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and brings into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”. Change what you see, change what you say and you will turn the direction of your life toward fullness and health.'

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Who to invite to be a part of your biggest day EVER

Before I begin my blog, I want to address that I recently got married on July 13, 2013. I have had the honor (if you want to call it that) of learning how to put together a wedding all by myself. In this blog you will find tips that I have picked up along the way from things that have worked for me to things that I should have done but did not know at the time. Please feel free to agree or disagree with anything I have written. This is a personal opinion and tips that I would have found useful during the planning stages. I planned my wedding for 546 days, hopefully this cuts down your planning.

Who you choose to be a part of your biggest day of your life is very important. Your bridal party and guests can either make or break the entire days atmosphere. In the end the only thing that matters is that you two love each other and had a great time but if you're anything like me, I pay attention to all details. Thoughts running through my mind, "Who didn't show up, who looks bored, whose dancing, whose having a good time, whose late, whose helpful, whose more concerned with themselves, etc." I wanted to put together a blog little by little to help future brides! 

Firstly, most venues have a minimum amount of guests that you have to pay for. The minimum is higher and most expensive on Summer Saturday evenings. You can get away with a good price break either by having your wedding on a Friday, Sunday or a 'non-peak month'. Before going to your first venue appointment, consider putting together a list of people you would like to invite in different categories such as: Definite's (very close family and friends), Co-workers & church/extracurricular friends, maybe's (friends you haven't seen in a while, family you haven't seen in a while/not close with & parent's friends). This will give you a rough estimate going into your appointment. Some venues have the option of buffet, family style or served. Buffet would be the cheapest way to go, family style would be in the middle and served would be most preferred but with a higher price bracket. 

OK, so let's touch base a little on choosing your bridal party. Before doing so, consider the following: who will pay for their dress, jewelry, hair, makeup & shoes, what your budget is on gifts for them, if you will have them wearing the same dress & color or if you're wanting to go a more non traditional route. Please, also consider, you're Maid of Honor and bridesmaids will be hosting your bachelorette party & possibly your bridal shower, as well. Based on what you are helping them with, total together what you think they'll be spending. This will help you in the decision process, as you don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable by having to reject your offer due to low funds. Next consider who your top friends are, who would absolutely do anything for you, who you can rely on/trust & who you know will 100% support you along the way. You can have as little as just your Maid of Honor/Best Man standing up in your wedding to bridal parties of 10+. Less in most cases can be the least stressful and most joyful. Make sure you talk to your girls upfront about your plans as far as their above mentioned 'dress, jewelry, hair, makeup & shoes' go. Also, make sure to tell them what their roles are as a bridesmaid and how you would appreciate their help along the way. Don't make the mistake of not communicating this at first or else you're going to end up with your Maid of Honor running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to communicate with your bridesmaids on setting up the parties, organizing times to help put together projects, getting their dress appointments in & purchasing their dresses at the same time. You also don't want the day of your wedding to come where absolutely none of them are being of any help to you and only worrying about themselves. You need someone to help you through the entire process from Makeup to peeing. Again, no initial communication=no help. 

Lets get back to your guest list. You want to keep a good spreadsheet of all the guests you're considering in separate columns by category. Google Docs spreadsheet has been a god send for me. You can also put a small column next to each one with an open slot to put how many guests go along with that particular invite and then have it total at the bottom, to keep track of your numbers. Obviously everyone on your definite list will get a definite invite. All other categories, here are some things to consider: Will you ever see this person again after the wedding? Would they come to your funeral? Would they come to your 25th year anniversary? Do you love that person/does that person love you? Have you seen this person in the past couple months? How close are you really with this person? After considering these questions, you may already have knocked quite a few people off the list. Please know that some guests do not know wedding etiquette, nor do they bother to research it. A plate per person can be anywhere from $50 and up. If you are going over your minimum number, you are paying extra for each plate. The careful consideration in your guest invite list can prevent a number of no shows and prevent a number of people coming just for the food & booze. If a guest asks you if they can add another person on to their invite, politely say no. From personal experience, 100% of the time you will see no return for that extra seat you just reserved. A couple does not expect to profit from their wedding but it is a nice gesture for a guest to at least cover their part in hopes to help the couple begin their new lives together, especially if the couple is paying for their wedding out of their own pocket. It's not OK to receive a $25 gift card from a family that reserved 4 seats aka $200 worth, but don't be shocked if you do not carefully consider!

It's getting late so I'll have to finish this up at another time. I hope this helps you with your first steps of planning your wedding!